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Consulting Case 4:Assessment center2022/7/19

Client introduction

The customer is one of Big Four top management consulting firm.


Project background

The client's executive succession project required a comprehensive evaluation of 45 partners, and needed to select high-potential talents as successors. Because the target group is partners, and the evaluation results are significant to the firm in China, the client asked experienced external consultants to support.



Leader’s Gene analyzed the market faced by the client and found a few important trends, such as national policy change, customer needs of end-to-end solution, etc. The consultant helped to revise the competency model to accommodate new trends, and based on the new competency model, Leader’s Gene organized online assessments for 45 partners, including Decision Dynamics, Leadership Quality (VERA 8) and Learning Agility, and then conducted in-depth interviews to validate assessment conclusions and reports.


Based on the results of the evaluation, Leader’s Gene consultants selected high-potential partners and provided monthly coaching for nine months to help them improve their self-awareness and grow into the future leaders.



The scope of the project was sensitive and time-critical. The Leader’s Gene team worked intensively to complete all the evaluation work in very short period of time, and was highly appreciated by the client. After the project, many selected partners have already been promoted to key leadership positions of the client.