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  • Influence Power – Use it to enhance your leadership
    15 sources of influence power that will help you gain the influence you need to produce and sustain desired results for yourself, team, and company.
    [ 2014/3/19 ]
  • How to Get Elected Boss
    The higher-ups have just promoted you to manage the team you once belonged to. Congratulations. Now you need to go out and get elected by your former peers. Our advice?
    [ 2014/3/14 ]
  • Ask Four Questions Daily
    As a leader, every night, on your commute home, ask yourself four questions: 1).How did I show up as a leader today? 2).What did I communicate today? 3).Who did I develop today? 4).Who did I thank today?
    [ 2014/1/22 ]
  • Effective Leaders
    - From a focus on leader as a person to a focus on leadership as an organizational capability. The metaphor of brand is more about leadership than about the characteristics of individual leaders. - From a focus on what happens inside the leader or firm to a focus on meeting customer, investor, and other external expectation. The metaphor of brand starts from the outside and focus clearly on business results.
    [ 2014/1/2 ]
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