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Resilience Leadership 2019/6/10
Theoretical Foundation: Leading Business - Resilience
Help participants strengthen their self-awareness and build positive and powerful competencies to deal with pressure and challenges; further more, to lead team towards a common goal.
Target Audience: mid-level to senior managers, esp. those who need to develop Resilience Leadership to lead the team for challenging business objectives under great pressure
Learning Format and Methodology:
*Pre-workshop and during-workshop Assessment
*Interactive Lecturing
*Video Case
*Team Sharing & Discussion
*Case Study
Length: 2 days
1. Understand Challenges and the Origin of Pressure
-Interpersonal relationship and Business challenge
-Analyze my current status in real work
2. The Origin of Resilience Leadership
-Positive Thinking, the first step to generate Resilience:
  a. Measure your positive thinking ability-PANAS Questionnaire
  b. Don’t get trapped in Depression – CES Questionnaire
-Purpose Energy
-Emotional Energy
-Mental Energy
-Physical Energy
3. Understand my current level of Resilience Leadership
-Interpretation of Pre-workshop Assessment Report
4. GRIT – The way to enhance Resilience Leadership
5. Team Resilience 
-Grow your circle of influence with Resilience
-Build mutual trust and support to enhance Team Resilience