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Authentic Leadership 2019/6/10
Theoretical Foundation: Leading Value – Value Resonance
*Deepen the sense of self-awareness.
*Reflect on what really matters to you in work and life.
*Develop vision and ultimate goals or your Core Purpose.
*Expand knowledge around Leading through Authenticity.
Target Audience: Senior leaders with maturity. Or leaders in VUCA situations who need to seek directions so as to engage and inspire others keep moving forward.
Learning Format and Methodology:
*Self-depiction Exercise
*Card Exercise
*Reflection and Sharing
*Lecturing with interaction
Length: 2 days
1. Understanding Myself and Business Context 
- Self-awareness is about what?
- Navigating the VUCA World and my organization 
2. Exploring my Core Value
- Visioning the Future
- Learning from the Journey so far
- Inside-out: Your Journey Defines You and your Leadership
3. Identifying my Core Talent
- Talent vs. Competency
- Self-reflection on Individual Assessment Report
4. Discovering my Core Purpose
- Combining Core Value and Core Talent in the business environment I have ever known
- Life is like a Play; Your epitaph on the tombstone
5. Creating Value Resonance to Lead with Authenticity
- The Core of Leadership
- Balances between Authenticity and Adaptation
- Executive Sharing